​Published by Carlton Books priced £14.99 hardback

The Ghostkeeper’s Journal and Field Guide is a new concept in books for the young reader, embracing exciting new Augmented Reality effects. By downloading the awesome Ghost-o-Matic app you enter a world of moving images and hidden messages where you can trap dangerous spectres.
The reader will become registered as a S.P.R.U.N.G. operative (Society for the Pursuit of the Reputedly Undead Namely Ghosts). Once registered their assignment will be to study the journal of Agamemnon White – SPRUNG Ghostkeeper – who has gone missing.
Ag was in the process of collecting the most powerful ecto-energy types known to man. By reading through his journal, and using the powerful Ghost-o-Matic app, the newly appointed operative will help rescue him
This quest will bring the reader into contact with many other distinguished SPRUNG operatives including paranormal gadget inventor Lily Zhang, secret psychic librarian Nettie Dahl, and the enigmatic and powerful Darko Manich, alongside the abundantly bearded Jeremiah Goodrough and SPRUNG founder.

Essentially this is all light-hearted fun and will not put children in harm’s way; no ouija boards or anything dark, so parents have no cause for alarm. It is merely a highly original game that uses the Ghost-o-Matic app to scan certain images and set given tasks. In this way it aims to inspire and challenge the young reader to develop linguistically while, at the same time, extending their research skills through the duality of book and app.

The journal is similar in design to an Edwardian scrapbook, containing notes, pictures, letters and case files. Pages are fringed with vignettes of mechanical steam punk style features. It claims to be the journal’s centenary edition – nice touch – thus reinforcing the reason for its period styling.

The Ghostkeeper’s Journal & Field Guide is the invention of English film and television producer Japhet Asher, whose was, most recently, executive producer for interactive CBBC, the BBC’s programming strand for children.
All things considered it is an innovative and well-conceived book. I am sure it will have an impact and lasting appeal to young readers, particularly as it focuses on the ever-popular genre of the supernatural.

​I did, however, feel the journal had a tendency to become a bit long-winded at times and suffered from information overload. It would, no doubt, have benefitted from some ruthless editing. Young people need to extend their vocabulary, but the book often veers towards becoming slightly verbose with its jumbled assortment of notes and information. However, the writer has juxtaposed the more serious aspects of the operative’s research tasks with some humorous respite, which gives a nice balance to a book of this type.
A good deal of imaginative thought, regarding both written content, design and, moreover, the use of the app has gone into producing the journal. ​

The book is part of a trilogy (the SPRUNG trilogy) and so there will be a further two books for readers to enjoy! 

Rob Marks